Probably everyone has heard and understands the professional term “marketing”. Marketing is the science of attracting clients and forming their loyalty. The ultimate goal of this science is to increase companies’ profits and form a flow of clients. But marketing, which is used by marketers of food products, is significantly different from the spheres of services. So appeared more specialized sciences – marketing of professional services, legal marketing.
Why do you need legal marketing?
The situation on the legal services market is complicated. Lawyers are one of the most demanded and prestigious professions. Therefore, the number of people with higher legal education is growing from year to year. This generates a high level of competition. Law firms, instead of raising prices for their services, have to minimize them, keeping their clients.

Legal services are quite difficult to evaluate in monetary terms: they are not material and there is no “iron” warranty on them. You, as a specialist, can not give a 100% guarantee, because not everything depends on you. One of the directions of legal marketing is to attract clients to lawyers and lawyers with the help of the correct pricing.
Do you need this science?
You may ask, and whether there is a need for specialized marketing, focused on the legal business? You can just hire a marketer. If You work as a lawyer or a lawyer, you will probably agree that the legal business has its own specifics. For example, lawyers have legal restrictions on advertising their services. On this basis, the market requires such marketing agencies that would specialize in legal marketing. You can find a small digital marketing agency in new york and achieve great results with it.
How to promote a legal site in the social. network on their own?
Promotion of sites is a whole professional industry, which includes several professions. The mechanisms studied will allow you to create an initial flow of visitors to the site. But this is not the main thing! The main thing is that you will understand the very strategy of site promotion and in the future will be able to control the contractors to whom sooner or later you will delegate certain directions in the promotion.

And now consider the steps that you can do in practice by yourself. The most important thing that you have to start with – is to prepare cool content. Write an article that will be useful to your clients. Then proceed according to the algorithm of site promotion in social networks:
- Place information in groups and on subscription pages.
- If you have your own group or subscription page, post information there. If not, it’s no problem. See a list of ready-made groups that fit your audience. Get in touch with their administrators. You can easily post your content for token money. Start a dialog with their administrators simply by offering them valuable information and they will repost you.
- Perepost information from personal accounts.
- Repost from a personal page. If your company has 3 people and 300 friends each, you can easily reach an audience of almost 1,000 people.
- Ask your friends to repost.
- Do not hesitate to ask your friends to repost. Sometimes it is enough to write “Please repost” – and many people will respond to your request.
- Order a commercial promotion for the post. You can order it on Facebook. It’s not expensive, but the post will be broadcast to more people.
You can also pay attention to google adwords case study Here are some tips to help you promote your company.